
Capture new leads and monetize your expertise

Elevate & monetize your customer experience by leveraging direct & fast access to your company experts. Get started in minutes!

Easy booking with calender integration​

A streamlined online booking experience, integrating real-time calendar synchronization for effortless scheduling.

Online payment & voucher system​

Features an integrated online payment system, supporting various payment methods and voucher system.

AI embedded​ booking tool

Integrates AI to optimize expert-client matchmaking, pre-meeting document processing to provide experts with contextual and post meeting summaries.

Video call with collaboration tools​

The platform's video call interface, equipped with advanced collaboration tools, activates at the scheduled time, enhancing interaction and productivity during the meeting.

One-Stop Solution

What we offer

Elevate your customer and employee relationships by leveraging direct access to your company experts, attract new customers and enhance your market presence.

Our streamlined process ensures fast, easy access to your experts. Xpertbooking enables this unique opportunity for a more engaged, customer-focused approach.

Your benefit : Experience enhanced knowledge transfer, brand elevation, revenue growth, exceptional customer experiences, and increased lead generation enabled by XpertBooking.


Happy Customers

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Positive Ratings

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4. 5k


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Why XpertBooking

Some advantages and insights on why it would be great for you to start using XpertBooking for your business.​

Time efficient

Building a booking system from scratch can take months, if not longer. With Xpertbooking, you can have your system up and running in no time.

Cost effective

Developing a custom solution involves significant upfront costs and ongoing maintenance expenses. Xpertbooking offers a cost-effective alternative with predictable pricing.

Continuous Updates

Technology evolves rapidly. With Xpertbooking, you benefit from regular updates, ensuring your booking system always remains state-of-the-art.



As your business grows, so do your needs. Xpertbooking is designed to scale with you, accommodating increased bookings and additional features as required.

Integrated features

From payments to video calls, Xpertbooking offers a suite of integrated features that would be time-consuming and costly to implement individually.

Here’s what our clients are saying

Some testimonials and feedback

“Xpertopinion is a platform linking business experts with customers to provide in a 1 hour videocall new insights and expertise. Our focus is in assuring the quality of the service. Xpertbooking is the technical enabler in a convenient way”

Michel De Coster
Michel De Coster

CO-Founder XpertOpinion

“Implementing XpertBooking drives a better booking experience including a pre-call to align the expectations between the speaker and customer in a seamless way. A big improvement”

Peter Saerens
Peter Saerens


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